Honda V-Twin Adventurers

Dargo High Plains Rally
September 2002

An Ode To Talbotville

Words by Paul Dandy, photos by Paul Dandy and Barry Rusch

Three foolish men went off to play, over the hills and far away, side by side they raced along, proving that v twns are built bloody strong.

Upon the pinnacles they had their feed,

Then down billy goats they took their steeds,

Of course this great feat was never enough, so Paul lead them up- river towards the hard stuff. .

At the first crossing they met their end, the water was rushing around the bend, not dettered, paul ploughed through the stream, then Pat could be heard cursing the steam.

Several more creeks they crossed with aplomb, then down went Steve like a nuclear bomb Again the spanners flew, as did a curse, then further they rode, singing a verse .

"We're almost there, we've beated the Odds we've had far more fun than those boring old sods, who rode down the mainroad on CBRR, for gods sake they even brought a side car"

And finally the trio arrived at the rally, to cheers of "G'day" and don't dilly dally, for one had been waiting for hours it seemed, to Join Paul in another high-county extreme.

So off went another silly old bugger, on a BMW adventure no other! across the creek then over the hill, try as hard as he could Paul couldn't cause a spill.

"Bugger me Mike, you're just too darned fast, You're more than welcome on my next high country blast" .
